Rotary Club of Box Hill Central

Rotary tends to attract a particular sort of person...
Usually they have been a "mover or shaker" or have a record of achievement in their career or perhaps they hold a senior position or they may own their own business.
Typically they enjoy the company of other people and love to share ideas, stop to chat and are happy to get involved when something needs to be done...
Most importantly they have a desire to help, to "put something back in" and they have decided to make this a priority in their lives.
Does this sound like you? If it does, why not come along and see what we do?
Our club meets on Wednesday mornings commencing at 7:30am in 'Hybrid Mode" - so you can attend physically or online via Zoom.
Contact - Reg, 0405 421 703, to confirm arrangements to attend our next meeting.
Best Western - The Tudor Inn
1101-1107 Whitehorse Rd
Box Hill , VIC 3128